
parseAndKeepRawInput(numberToParse, defaultRegion) is used to parses a string and returns it in prototype buffer format while keeping the raw input value.


Using Standard JavaScript:

// Create an instance of PhoneNumberUtil
const phoneUtil = require('libphonenumbers').PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
// Parse number with US country code and keep raw input
const number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput('202-456-2121', 'US');

Using ECMAScript (ES):

import libphonenumbers from 'libphonenumbers';
// Create an instance of PhoneNumberUtil
const phoneUtil = libphonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
// Parse number with US country code and keep raw input
const number = phoneUtil.parseAndKeepRawInput('202-456-2121', 'US');